The Moran Foundation Research Projects 2003-2004


Moran Foundation


 2003-2004 Research Projects




The blue Title links will open a new browser window to provide PDF files of the research progress reports and published works. These files may be large in some instances so please be patient when downloading these files.


Adekunle M. Adesina, M.D.

Molecular genomic profiling of medulloblastoma


Haiyun Cheng, Ph.D.

Specific activation of STAT92E by DER in Drosophila: An alternative model for study of arsenic toxicity in EGF receptor signalling


T. Rajendra Kumar, Ph.D.

Identification of gonadotrope-specific novel genes


G. Jackson Snipes, M.D., Ph.D.

The regulation of myelination


LuAnn Thompson-Snipes, Ph.D.

The role of tolerogenic dendritic cells within the intestinal mucosal immune system in induction of inflammatory bowel disease


James Versalovic, M.D., Ph.D.

Macrophage host responses to probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri




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